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Girl Accidentally Kills Her Friend In A Fight

A distressing incident captured on video has sparked concern over the lack of basic first aid knowledge. In the viral video, a girl accidentally cuts her friend’s hand, causing significant bleeding.

Instead of promptly addressing the bleeding, confusion ensues among the friends, leading to a chaotic scene. The focus shifts away from taking immediate action to transport the injured friend to a nearby clinic, where unfortunately the girl died.

In response to the video, many have expressed their dismay at the lack of first aid knowledge that can save a life.

Dr. Olufunmilayo, a popular Twitter contributor, offers guidance for similar situations. In the event of bleeding, it is advised to have the injured person sit up, maintain a calm environment, avoid personal panic, reassure the injured person, tightly bind the bleeding area with a clean cloth, apply firm pressure, call for an ambulance or a taxi, and promptly transport them to the hospital.

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