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NCC Vows to Hold Telecoms Service Providers Accountable

The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has pledged to facilitate a more favorable environment for telecom service providers in the country. However, the commission has also affirmed its commitment to penalize providers who fail to enhance their services for the benefit of consumers. Dr. Aminu Maida, the Executive Vice Chairman of NCC, made these remarks during a breakfast meeting with members of the Abuja chapter of the Nigerian Telecommunication Reporters Association (NITRA) and some business editors in Abuja.

He emphasized the necessity of holding telecom service providers accountable to meet consumers’ minimum expectations, stating that the commission will adopt a data-driven approach to decision-making to reduce subjectivity and improve the industry. Furthermore, Maida highlighted the importance of collaboration with critical stakeholders to create mutually beneficial outcomes, while also underscoring the commission’s focus on meeting the diverse expectations of consumers, the industry, and the licensees.

He disclosed that the commission has resolved an issue between two major players and will soon issue a statement to that effect. Maida also expressed the commission’s commitment to making advocacy efforts to simplify the lives of licensees. The NCC’s proactive stance aims to ensure the quality of service and a positive consumer experience in the telecommunications sector.

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