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Former presidential candidate, Olawepo-Hashim, defects to APC

The ex-Presidential Candidate of the Peoples Trust in the 2019 election, Gbenga Olawepo-Hashim on Wednesday defected to the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC).

Olawepo-Hashim made his intension known in a statement titled ‘Prominent politician, Olawepo-Hashim, pitches tent with APC,” in Abuja.

He said the reasons for his decision was because APC  is a reasonable pathway for the preservation of the unity and progress of the nation.

He added that he is now convinced about the passion of the  President Muhammadu Buhari to fight corruption in Nigeria  even though critics have questioned the effectiveness of his anti-corruption crusade.

According to Olawepo-Hashim, “By the Grace of God today,  I will be attending the stakeholders meeting of the Federal Capital Territory chapter of the All Progressives Congress in what is my first public event as a member of the party.”

“In the past six months I have twice met the Chairman of the APC National Caretaker committee, His Excellency, Mai Mala Buni, and several times with my brother and friend Attorney General and Minister of Justice,  Abubakar Malami (SAN).

“This is in addition to meetings with Minister of the FCT,  Mustapha Bello, who is the leader of the APC in the FCT, and also a member of the federal cabinet.

“I have also consulted with party elders, leaders and members too numerous to mention, and especially the FCT party chairman, who worked very hard to convince me to join the APC.

“In deciding for the APC, I have no illusion that I have come to a perfect party or that the struggle to birth a new Nigeria on this my chosen new platform will be easy.

“I will continue to rely on your prayers and support, the strength of the Lord and his guidance and protection as I embark on this journey.”

However, in taking the decision, he said, “my long-standing commitment to the struggle for justice and equity will not waiver, just as my adherence to the principles of true federalism will not wane, and not least will my three-and-a-half-decade struggle for the improvement of the welfare of the down trodden Nigerians diminish.

“I remain solid in my pursuit of a new Nigeria, modern, united, peaceful and prosperous!”


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